Topic of the day on World Tsunami Awareness day
World Tsunami Day 5 Nov
Ethic IAS Motivational article Purpose of life part -3 By Shasi B. Pandey
Ethics class By Vinit Kabir on Philosophy
Ethic IAS Special Discount for online Batch 15th Nov.
Daily quiz
National Unity Day
1. The term ‘ACE2’ is talked about in the context of
(a) genes introduced in the genetically modifi ed plants (b) development of India’s own satellite navigation system (c) radio collars for wildlife tracking (d) spread of viral diseases Correct Option: (d) Explanation: 1. ACE 2 Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 is an enzyme attached to the membrane of cells in the intestines, kidney, testis, gallbladder, and heart. […]
Ethics Paper Starts on 1November. Meet our eminent faculty Vinit Kabir….
Ethic IAS Wishes a Happy Diwali
ethic ias wishes all its learners a bright and prosperous diwali.may god fulfill your dream career .happy learning and happy diwali …avail our discounted offers this festival season …